Growing Your Practice - Office Practicum

Growing Your Practice

One common thread that comes up often in conversations among pediatric providers and their staff is that the last several years have been exhausting. Pediatricians in cities, suburbs, and rural areas alike are burned out and they’re facing what seems like an insurmountable combination of increased expectations and decreased practice resources....

Pediatric care providers need to ensure that patients with health needs requiring follow-up, as well as those due or behind on their well visits, are receiving the care they need. This is also vital to having a healthier population and increasing practice revenue. And that’s where something like “DAR” comes in.  Using a Tool for Patient Recall DAR stands for Demographic Analysis and Recall. It's a powerful tool for analyzing demographic data that's integrated in OP. Based on the findings, it recalls specific patient and practice information.   Let’s say that I’m a busy clinician. I want to know how DAR can help my...

If a pediatric practice has some extra down time, pause and remember the financial health of your practice starts with having an appropriate fee schedule. While contractually the payers determine how much they are going to pay you for each service you provide, it starts with how much you charge.  Scheduled Processes and Procedures At a minimum, at the beginning of the year, your practice should have a scheduled process and procedure for updating your fee schedule so you can be sure you are not leaving money on the table (and in the insurance company’s pocket.) The AAP has resources for pediatricians...

As the leader of a pediatric practice, you know that being successful involves more than providing excellent medical care. Of course, patient care is your top priority, but managing day-to-day operations takes knowledge, organization, and the right people. How do you make the best use of your team's skills and talents? How can you make sure everyone in your pediatric office is being productive and efficient without crushing morale? These are important points to consider, especially if you want to have a profitable practice. Here are some suggestions for boosting staff productivity. Get to Know Your Team and Show Them You Care Perhaps your...

As an independent pediatric office owner or administrator, you want your practice to thrive. One of the best ways to ensure that your business succeeds is having a high-performing team. Recent research shows that high-performing teams have one thing in common: They work in a psychologically safe environment. It's kind of an awkward, fancy term. Essentially, it means the work environment is a safe place to ask questions, raise concerns, and share ideas without feeling fear. Are you ready to learn about this important trend in job environments? Here are four ways to ensure your pediatric practice is a psychologically safe workplace. 1. Create...

You’ve decided you’re ready to spread your entrepreneurial wings. You're going to open your own pediatric practice. While it’s an exciting time, it’s also busy with planning. You’ve got a checklist full of items like credentialing providers with payers, securing financing, choosing a location, purchasing technology, hiring staff, ordering supplies and furniture, and preparing forms and processes. Another important area to tackle before officially launching your new practice? Billing. It's one of the most critical elements of your business. Without a good billing system, you won't get paid appropriately. And a practice that's not profitable will quickly fold in the ever-changing world...

Electronic health record software is consistently updated in order to adjust to the ever-changing and dynamic healthcare and technology worlds. That’s why training must be seen as a consistent commitment, not a one-and-done effort. Regardless of whether you’re going to switch to a new EHR or plan on staying with your current solution, here are five best practices for establishing a culture of ongoing EHR education. Designate a Superuser To start, designate a superuser. A superuser is a point person who understands the big picture and sees the entire scope of the practice, particularly how different functions, workflows, and data inputs affect...

When reviewing (or developing) your revenue cycle management plan, don't overlook the first steps: making sure all your providers are appropriately credentialed with all your payers and associated products. Credentialing and Provider Enrollment are more than just arduous tasks of paperwork; without them, claims aren’t paid and revenue suffers. Opportunities to grow your practice and strengthen your revenue depend on a solid credentialing and contracting game plan. Key functions that help your practice receive proper reimbursement from insurers: Payer Product Analysis: Most insurers offer multiple products and these products can change annually, especially Medicare Advantage, Medicaid HMO, and ACA plans. Review your...

A frazzled mom walks into your pediatric clinic. She approaches the check-in desk, and your receptionist notices dark circles below wet eyes, red from crying, possibly even during the drive to the office.  The screaming toddler on the mom’s hip is not so interested in disguising his anguish. He wails in pain as he tugs on his ear, not afraid to let the tears fall freely. Even those staff members behind the check-in desk, standing at the hallway scale, or walking a patient to an exam room can hear the little guy. After checking in the fidgety little boy, the receptionist sees...

In order to truly provide top-notch medical care at your pediatric practice, you need an all-star team of professionals working around you. Front desk staff, nurse practitioners, medical billers, the list goes on. A successful medical practice relies on a full staff of talented people. A hiring mistake alone, can cost you 15 times an employee’s base salary in hard costs and lost productivity. You are in the medical profession. You are not a Human Resource Manager. You might be a little lost when it comes to hiring for your practice. In this article, I am going to give you the...

If your payment data is currently dispersed across multiple systems, you might hit a roadblock in your plan for payment assurance. What does your roadmap for payment assurance look like? Use these three checkpoints to analyze where your data might be failing you and how you can improve collection processes by pulling payment data from one reliable source. Checkpoint #1: Talk to Your Staff About Their Processes to Collect Collecting patient payments is time-consuming. Do you know how much time your staff spends to collect a single payment? Ask your staff to walk you through their daily process to collect, reconcile and post...

In the past, excellent patient care was enough to earn word of mouth referrals for pediatric practices. Aside from directory listings, most doctors didn't need to market their practices at all. Parents would simply ask their friends for a doctor recommendation or choose from an insurance company's list of providers. Today, parents still ask for recommendations, but they're turning to social media for the information. According to Pew Research, 74 percent of internet users are on social media. Over 1.4 billion people log on to Facebook each day, including 75 percent of parents. Of those, nearly half look for information about...


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